Sunny Hersh



Summer “business casual” confusion

If you design video games or write comic books, you can wear anything to work and let your freak flag fly.  All others are directed to “dress professionally,” a phrase that seems so obvious and yet is interpreted by some to mean flip-flops and a sundress!   One savvy HR person I know tells incoming employees that “If you wonder if it’s appropriate, it probably isn’t!” and “We hope you agree that it’s more important to look professional than to express yourself with unbusinesslike clothing.”   While the best options for setting employees straight on business or casual business attire are good examples at the top and a friendly talk with a caring, articulate manager, the other alternative is a written general dress code.  Here’s a concise sample:   “Please represent our organization by wearing business-style clothing that covers the body from the neck to the knees, has no rips or holes in it, and has nothing written on it other than small logos.  Please don’t wear backless or athletic shoes.”      


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