Sunny Hersh



Barefoot Bacteria

It’s that barefoot time of year again, but there’s a new reason to take any injury to the foot very seriously – MRSA.  MRSA is on the skin of about 1/3 of our population now and can enter the bloodstream though any break in the skin, causing organ failure or even death.  If you step on something or get a blister, clean up, use Bacitracin, and cover for a few days.  A callus or corn can open and let MRSA in, so if you see redness, swelling, pain, or warmth see a doctor that very day to get antibiotics.

Filed under: All Articles — Scott Hersh @ 12:38 pm - EMail This Post - The Fine Print

Fat sucks

But you already knew that…the key is, how can we get fat OFF without leaving bruises and bumpy skin the way liposuction does?  The answer is in April’s O, The Oprah Magazine – UltraShape, a high-intensity ultrasound wave that melts fat, taking two or three inches off the treated area.  Not yet FDA approved, UltraShape and Zeltiq (a fat-freezing machine) work best on (more…)

Filed under: All Articles — Scott Hersh @ 8:50 am - EMail This Post - The Fine Print