Sunny Hersh



August Mini Bites

Calories in ground turkey may lurkey
Those store-made turkey meatballs may be just as high in calories and fat as the beef ones if they’re not labeled “extra lean.”   It’s great to substitute ground turkey in tacos, chili, and meat sauce, but be sure to check for the lean label.
It’s not just a “senior moment”
The average person reaches for the right word two to four times a day (Can you hand me the…thing?) and trips over their own tongue 7 to 22 times (If it’s not one thing, it’s my mother.)  Talking with your hands makes for smoother speech.
More than a number
The high number in your sunscreen’s SPF is not the be-all & end-all of sun protection.  That $30 Anthelios SX sunscreen at your checkout is only SPF 15, yet it contains mexoryl SX, a newly approved ingredient which screens you from a wider spectrum of UVA rays.  On a recent rafting trip, I was the only one who didn’t get sunburned because I was the only one wearing Anthelios SX.
Nose job without the knife
Want to get rid of that bump on your nose or the droop at the tip?  No need to go under the knife if you’re working with a doctor who knows how to use Radiesse, a cosmetic filler that can smooth out, perk up, and otherwise hide small nose problems.

Filed under: All Articles — Scott Hersh @ 9:58 pm - EMail This Post - The Fine Print

Pick a card

…any card, in The Sex Deck (Amazon), and you’ll have a new position to try tonight.  Every generation has it’s naughty playbook, from the Kama Sutra to today.  It’s a great way to communicate (without saying anything) that the missionary has become monotonous and it’s time to try The Easy Rider!  Or you could leave a trail of cards up the steps to the bedroom and create a day-long expo.  Just make sure the kids don’t come home early from soccer camp.

Filed under: All Articles — Scott Hersh @ 9:56 pm - EMail This Post - The Fine Print

New Unfurlers for Curly Girls

Okay, so you’ve done the daily flat-iron thing and the six-hour hair-frying Japanese straightening torture.  You’re so over it all, yet your frizz has you frazzled.  New hope, new products, and new lower prices to the rescue!  ISO Maintamer and Matrix’s Opti-Smooth Heat Service are two-hour salon treatments that last for six to nine months.  For $100 to $150, you get straight, deep-conditioned treatment that even color-treated hair can handle.

Filed under: All Articles — Scott Hersh @ 9:55 pm - EMail This Post - The Fine Print

Do my stuff!

Absolutely don’t have the time to weed the beds, set up a simple website for the cheerleading team, or digitize your photos?   Time to outsource at and auction off that chore to someone with the time to do it.  You can become an “employer,” find an “assistant,” specify that your helper live nearby, and read and post reviews of your assistant similar to the feedback posted about sellers on eBay.

Filed under: All Articles — Scott Hersh @ 9:54 pm - EMail This Post - The Fine Print

Sleep is the new sex –

…that scarce commodity that everyone wants and no one gets enough of!   Americans sleep 1 to 2 fewer hours per night than they used to, which may be the reason we’ve gotten so cranky and rude.  It may also be the reason we’ve gotten so fat – there’s a strong correlation between sleeplessness and weight gain. 
Then there’s the libido-boosting aspect of a good night’s sleep, aided and abetted by some help around the house.  A man fixing dinner or running the vacuum cleaner – what better foreplay is there than that?  You could say something like “Yeah, babe, I know I’m ‘not in the mood’ a lot, I just need less to do, more sleep, and more time to myself to feel sexy.  I know you have a lot to do as well.  What can we do to make time for ourselves?”  (more…)

Filed under: All Articles — Scott Hersh @ 9:54 pm - EMail This Post - The Fine Print

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