Sunny Hersh



But first, take a bite out of an apple

Yeah, it keeps all kinds of doctors away – cardiologists, oncologists, pulmonologists, and gastros, to name a few.  Adding one large apple a day to your diet can 1)decrease cholesterol by 10% 2) retard oxidation that causes heart disease 3) soak up toxins that cause cancer 4) cut risk for lung disease and asthma 5) increase fiber intake that decreases colon cancer risk.  Now that you’ve eaten all the Halloween candy,

stock the frig with apples to fight that 4 o’clock munchie attack.  Be sure and eat the skin (where much of the nutrition lies) and buy organic to avoid pesticide residues.  Organic produce often has more nutrition; a new study found organic tomatoes to have 79% more disease-fighting flavonoids than those
conventionally grown.

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