Sunny Hersh



But first, take a bite out of an apple

Yeah, it keeps all kinds of doctors away – cardiologists, oncologists, pulmonologists, and gastros, to name a few.  Adding one large apple a day to your diet can 1)decrease cholesterol by 10% 2) retard oxidation that causes heart disease 3) soak up toxins that cause cancer 4) cut risk for lung disease and asthma 5) increase fiber intake that decreases colon cancer risk.  Now that you’ve eaten all the Halloween candy, (more…)

Filed under: All Articles — Scott Hersh @ 9:16 pm - EMail This Post - The Fine Print

Is it hot flashes or global warming?

Is it “Menopause” or “Puberty Part II”?
You can look at anything as an opportunity – think of night sweats as a way to lower your heating bills so you can save for retirement.  Think of dealing with the fact that women burn 26% fewer calories than men as a prompt for you to live longer by focusing on calorie-light vegetables and fruits that fight cancer and heart disease. 
And while you’re thinking, pass this newsletter on to some friends who enjoy knowing the latest and greatest positive news about taking a bite out of aging.

Filed under: All Articles — Scott Hersh @ 9:05 pm - EMail This Post - The Fine Print

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