Sunny Hersh



Is midlife a time of misery?

A recent study of two million people from around the world determined that the arc of lifetime happiness is in the shape of a U – youth and old age are the high points and middle age is that muck on the bottom!  OK, youth can = unlimited health, beauty, and future potential.  But personally, leapfrogging back to my 20’s brings back memories of always LONGING for something, never feeling GOOD ENOUGH.  Maybe that’s the way God keeps us always moving forward!  In my 30’s, it was understood that partners pitch in on kids, careers, and home and that self-care and romance go on the back burner  for a decade or so.  The operative phrase was AS SOON AS…  and many of us are still living that phrase into midlife.  And what about these supposedly blissful senior years as we push our walkers into the sunset?  Some of the seniors I know spend their days depressed, lamenting physical problems and wondering for the umpteenth time WHAT MIGHT’VE HAPPENED IF…  but most  count their blessings, refuse to be irritated, and feel grateful for making it through difficult times.  They appreciate small kindnesses, emphasize life’s rewards, and feel content with who and where they are.  I feel myself gravitating more and more toward the satisfied side, brushing aside things that used to make me grit my teeth.  Being moody and depressed, temper tantrums, holding grudges, obsessive routines – that is sooo last decade!  Yes, I want to move my life forward, but my favorite phrase is now HOW CAN I ENJOY TODAY?  How can I celebrate the people I love (including me) right now?  I’m hoping that this feeling increases when I’m in my 60’s, 70’s, and beyond! 

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