Sunny Hersh



9 Old Wive’s Tales Debunked

Wait!  I tell these tales – does that mean I’m an old wife?  Or a teller of urban myths? 

Tale #1 – A dog’s mouth is cleaner than a person’s.  No! Dog’s lick bacteria and garbage off the floor and lick their own and other dog’s privates.  

#2 Swimming after eating is dangerous.  No!  Swimming after drinking alcohol, lack of boating safety gear, and children around swimming pools cause drowning.  

#3 Mouthwash cures bad breath.  Used to be a No!  Mouthwashes with alcohol dry out your mouth and create a great environment for bacteria and bad breath to grow.  Now alcohol-free Crest Pro-Health and Tom’s of Maine can actually help.  

#4, #5, & #6  Too much reading or reading in low light, wearing glasses or contacts, and lots of TV and computer use weakens or damages your eyes.  No!  These things make your eyes feel tired but do no permanent damage. 

#7 You’re more likely to get sick in a restaurant than at home.  No!  50 to 80% of  food-borne illnesses happen at home, so don’t forget to microwave that sponge for 30 seconds!  

#8 Laptops on the lap and hot hot tubs kill sperm.  Yes!  Both heat up the testicles and kills sperm.    

#9  Shaving your legs makes the hair grow back thicker.  No!  The short hairs just feel stiffer as they grow back.  


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