Sunny Hersh



Flush your belly! New Research

Hah!  Gotcha!  We’re all looking for that magic bullet that will change the number on the scale, but at this point in our weight-watching lives, we know the truth.  We have to gut it out with small, consistent, conscious daily changes to reach that goal weight and stay there.  Go for walks, keep a food diary, hold the mayo, two slices of whole grain bread total daily, forget the pizza, split the restaurant meal or order a non-creamy soup and an appetizer – you know the drill.  
New research shows a couple of things that are common sense, but you may have missed them: 1) a boring diet improves weight loss 2) increase water, decrease diet soda 3) 80% of weight loss is eating right, 20% exercise (you can lose weight without exercising).
Several studies show that eating the same two calorie-controlled breakfast/lunch menus most days makes it easier to control calories  –  you’ve shopped for the stuff, you have it on hand, and you don’t have to think about it.  You know exactly how many calories are in those two meals.  Fiber cereal with fruit/ egg whites with whole wheat toast are two common breakfasts.  Broth-veggie soup with salad/ whole wheat turkey wrap with salad are typical lunches.  Creating a home salad bar with various greens, tomatoes, cukes, peppers, olives, beans, and lo-fat, lo-sugar dressings is key.  The many high protein & fiber bars are your go-to when you’re on the go – Fiber One, South Beach, The Zone, and internet brand Nutrilite are all great.   Dinners can be a little jazzier, but variety does stimulate the appetite.  We love the new micro-in-the-bag frozen veggies or buy the bags and micro any fresh or frozen veggie in them for a much fresher result!
I reported previously that diet soda may have unknown metabolic and insulin results and somehow seems to lead to weight plateaus.  Trainers I’ve talked to agree that big water guzzlers seem to enjoy more consistent weight loss, and striving for a liter of water before lunch gets the job done without nighttime bathroom trips. 
If you just can’t exercise right now, focus on eating well and eating a lot less.  Give your belly and brain  that couple of minutes to register the food before you decide that you’re still hungry – just walk away from the kitchen and do something else.
At the many happy occasions that are coming up this spring and summer, resolve to stay arm’s length away from all finger food, wear a snug waistband, hold a frosty seltzer in your hands, and have as many conversations as possible.  You just can’t eat as much when you’re talking!

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