Sunny Hersh



Here’s to you?

Powerful men and younger lovers – go together like a horse and carriage?  But powerful women?  Nah!  Can you picture Hillary or Nancy cavorting with a 19-year-old?  Better start picturing, ‘cause that’s what 60-year-old Iris Robinson, a married member of Northern Ireland’s Parliament, actually did.  A family friend asked her to “look after the boy” on his deathbed, and she supplemented the affair by setting young Kirk up in a café with $80,000 provided by local developers (and kept $8,000 for herself).  Ooops!  The BBC outed the affair and Mrs. Robinson resigned – here’s to you, Mrs. Robinson?!  Should women feel ‘empowered’ that, like Bill Clinton, the lad looked up to her?  Should we cheer that, as with Mark Sanford, her lover was a family friend?  Are we now just as unfaithful and devious as men?  Is this a new dawn of equality in sexual politics or a new low in the history of women in public life?  Like Tiger Woods and John Edwards, the affair involved money and the press conference required piling on the sackcloth and ashes.  But unlike the golfer and the senator, Mrs. Robinson had to go all out with the self-loathing and mental illness defense.  There was no husband standing by her side at the press conference, just a description of recurring depression and attempting suicide when her husband found out. So… women who cheat are loco and men who cheat are just… weak?

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