Sunny Hersh



Reflux Club

So many over 35 are in it!  Why do you think there’s so many ads for reflux drugs on TV?  And yes, your reflux tends to get worse as you get older.  Most of us can manage with an occasional Pepcid Complete; sleeping with the head and upper body raised; and taking a strong refrigerated probiotic regularly.  Others have to watch the alcohol and food triggers and get out the big guns, drugs like Zantac and the Purple Pill, but these cause side effects like headaches or they can lose their effectiveness over time.  Food triggers include chocolate, tomatoes, citrus, caffeine, mint and fried food.  You know, all the stuff you love!  Massage, meditation, and other stress-reducing methods appear to help and many swear by lemon balm, in a tea or supplement.  Ready-made tea before bed is in your store from companies like Celebration and Happy Nights.

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