Sunny Hersh



Warning for Women

Divorce is now filed by three times more women over 40 than it was in the early 90’s, with women in 30 or 40-year marriages citing self-fulfillment and lack of connection as the reason they’re ending their marriages.  Think Tipper and Al Gore, who exemplify this “we just grew apart” trend in which infidelity is seldom a factor.  “I have 25 or 30 more years, I want to enjoy them,” is the thinking of these robust, financially independent women.  But if you’re going to be dating again, please, please read the article  by Susan Brown on,  “A Warning For Women.”   An attractive, successful grandma, Susan dated an equally attractive Frenchman named Philippe Padieu – and later found out he was dating nine other women at the same time!  She and five other women contracted HIV/AIDS from him, took him to court, and put him away for 45 years.  Here’s her advice: “Nice-looking, polite gentlemen can indeed carry deadly diseases and nice, old grandmas can get them…Bring your own condom…Insist on using the condom women get HIV from their husbands or boyfriends who cheat…get tested if you’re sexually active…don’t trust anyone…AIDS is still deadly and doesn’t discriminate.”  A plan I wrote about in my book Midlife Mamas on the Moon is to use condoms for the first three months of a new sexual relationship, then get tested and share your results.  It can give you peace of mind or save your life!

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